2 Fastigheter i S'Horta Köpa

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Tomt i S'Horta

S'Horta, Plot in representative location right by the golf course of Vall d’Or with sea views

34.000 m²

500 m²


€ 1.800.000,-


Porta Mallorquina - din ledande mäklare i i S'Horta!

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Om i S'Horta och omkringliggande områden!

The village S'Horta belongs to the municipality of Felanitx in the southeast of Majorca. It was mentioned for the first time in the 14th century after the conquest by King Jaume. In the year 1775 about 300 inhabitants lived here, today the village numbers 1000 persons.

Today, S'Horta offers a lot of Mallorcan flair with its small cafés and restaurants. The mixture of tradition and quickly accessible infrastructure, the Vall D'Or golf course and the dream bays of the southeast make the place the ideal starting point for a relaxed holiday.