7 Fastigheter i Cala Mandia Köpa

Ytterligare byar:
Villa i Cala Mandia

Cala Mandia, Highest quality designer-house in Cala Mandia

472 m²

800 m²


€ 3.950.000,-

Hus i Cala Mandia

Cala Mandia, Wonderful, 1st-occupation house in Cala Romantica

234 m²

499 m²


€ 755.370,-

Hus i Cala Mandia

Cala Mandia, Wonderful, 1st-time occupancy house in Cala Romantica

234 m²

507 m²


€ 752.290,-

Hus i Cala Mandia

Cala Mandia, Beautiful house for first-occupancy in Cala Romantica

234 m²

442 m²


€ 744.590,-


Porta Mallorquina - din ledande mäklare i i Cala Mandia!

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Om i Cala Mandia och omkringliggande områden!

Cala Romantica - A bay that lives up to its name. Idyllically located with a brilliant white sandy beach, turquoise shimmering crystal clear water and embedded in forested rocks. Images that reflect almost Caribbean flair.

The beautiful town with many plant-lined streets has small, manageable resorts and developments of private villas. A few restaurants and bars hold Mediterranean delicacies and refreshments for their guests.

The location is ideal between the charming small port towns of Porto Cristo and Portocolom. Typical Mallorcan places that invite you to store with their small stores or eat in the many cozy restaurants on the harbor promenades.