9 Fincas i Esporles Köpa

Finca i Esporles

Esporles, Rustik finca med pensionat och panoramautsikt

266 m²

7.161 m²



Finca i Esporles

Esporles, Your private Spa in the middle of nature - Finca in Esporles

220 m²

50.000 m²


€ 1.650.000,-

Finca i Esporles

Esporles, Finca with panoramic views and vacation rental license in Esporles

197 m²

12.058 m²


€ 780.000,-


Porta Mallorquina - din ledande mäklare i i Esporles!

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Om i Esporles och omkringliggande områden!

Esporles is situated in the mountains of the Tramuntana and has about 4.000 inhabitants, not far away from Palma, Valldemosa and Banyalbufar on the west coast. In earlier times the textile industry was an important element of the economy, today it is more agriculture and stock-farming and of course tourism. A walk through the village is always worthwhile.