1 Hus i Cala Mayor Hyra

Hus i Cala Mayor

Cala Mayor, Furnished semi-detached house at the sea front in Cala Mayor with fantastic views

300 m²

Utan värde


€ 3.950,-


Porta Mallorquina - din ledande mäklare i i Cala Mayor!

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Om i Cala Mayor och omkringliggande områden!

The bay of Cala Mayor goes along with the harbor of Porto Pi in Palma. It is a very busy place with many restaurants and boutiques and is also very famous for its animated night life. The highlight of Cala Mayor is the beach which has the same name of 1km longitude and is fine sandy, flat and with very clean water and is very famous for families. Above the bay of Cala Mayor the famous painter Joan Miró had his studio. Now the Miró museum is located there. This place is a very interesting holiday destination through its closeness to Palma throughout the year.