1 Hus i Cala Llombards Hyra

Hus i Cala Llombards

Cala Llombards, Stylishly renovated village house with Mediterranean flair

344 m²

344 m²


€ 4.000,-


Porta Mallorquina - din ledande mäklare i i Cala Llombards!

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Om i Cala Llombards och omkringliggande områden!

The picturesque Cala Llombards is situated in the south of Majorca, close to Santanyí and the village of Llombards. You will also find the beaches Mondragó and Figuera very close, whereas Cala Llombards is the quietest of them, and one of the most beautiful beaches of the island. The village breathes peaceful tranquillity. To reach Santanyí you need about 5 minutes, there are the best shopping possibilities.